Welcome to the Immusoft recruiting website for our research study of an investigational treatment for mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 (MPS I), Hurler-Scheie or Scheie syndromes.

We are seeking adults with mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 (MPS I), Hurler-Scheie or Scheie syndromes, to participate in a research study of an investigational treatment.

Learn more about participating in our MPS I research study.

Please provide your contact information so we may contact you.

A member of our staff will contact you to see if you are eligible for our research study. We will not use your information for anything else.

Research Study for Adults with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 1 (MPS I), Hurler- Scheie or Scheie Syndromes.

Mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 (MPS I) is a condition that affects many parts of the body. It is caused by a genetic alteration of the IDUA gene, resulting in reduced levels of the IDUA enzyme. Without proper amounts of this enzyme, sugar molecules accumulate within cellular structures called lysosomes. This accumulation causes the lysosomes and cells to enlarge, affecting many different organs and tissues of the body. This leads to the medical problems seen in this condition.

MPS I is divided into different categories according to severity. This research study is seeking participants who have either the Hurler-Scheie (MPS IH/S) or Scheie (MPS IS) categories.

Currently, there is no cure for MPS I. While enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the primary treatment for MPS I Hurler-Scheie and Scheie syndromes, it cannot address all the body systems affected by the disease. This treatment also requires frequent dosing which can interfere with daily activities.

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Provide Your Info

This is why it is so important to conduct research studies seeking to learn more about potential medications for MPS I. These research studies would be impossible to conduct without volunteer participants, which is why we ask for your help. If you provide your contact information, we will reach out to you to provide more information about the study.

To join this research study, potential participants must:

* Be 18 years of age or above

* Have Mucopolysaccharidosis type 1, Hurler-Scheie or Scheie syndrome

* Be currently receiving enzyme replacement (IDUA) therapy

This is not a complete list of requirements to participate. Please provide us with your contact information so we can discuss these and additional requirements with you.

Your contact information will remain confidential. It will only be used to contact you regarding participation in this study.

Compensation for travel expenses

Immusoft will cover travel costs.

What should I do now?

If you are interested in participating or just wish to learn more, please provide your contact information. We will contact you after your submission.


Doctors and scientists are constantly discovering new medications and devices that may help prevent, detect, diagnose, control, and treat illnesses. A research study or clinical trial is a scientific study that tests these new discoveries. Research studies depend upon the participation of volunteers.

Why Participate?

There is no guarantee that subjects will receive any benefit from participating in this study. However, this research study may yield new information that could benefit people in the future by helping to answer questions about the effectiveness and safety of the study treatment.

Voluntary Participation and Informed Consent

Participation in a research study is completely voluntary. In all research studies, qualified potential participants are first informed about the research study in detail. After receiving this information, all participants must give their consent in writing to proceed. Some research studies involve more tests and doctor visits than the participant would normally have for an illness or condition.

Health Insurance and Participation Costs

Health Insurance is NOT required to participate.

You will not be charged for the study drug, study-related procedures and tests, or study visits.

Can I Participate in a Clinical Trial?

Before participating in a trial volunteers must meet specific requirements. These requirements are based on various factors, such as your age, medical history, current health status, current medications, and allergies. The circumstances that allow one to participate are called Inclusion Criteria and those that prevent participation are called Exclusion Criteria. These requirements are used to ensure the accuracy of the trial as well as the safety of all participants. We will not know whether you satisfy all study requirements until we speak with you and, if appropriate, complete a screening assessment at our facilities.

Clinic Information

Immusoft is staffed by experienced medical personnel that are committed to each patient's health as well as to helping find treatments that can help patients in the future.

Clinic Location


Immusoft conducts studies at the following location:

University of Minnesota
425 East River Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55455 (MAP)

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